How AI shields us from solar 🌞storm havoc ⋆ πŸ€– Step closer to AI uprising

There's so much talk about large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, and text-to-image AI like Midjourney and stable diffusion, that you can forget there are other ones. Today we change that. But we also don't forget GPT, and it raps.

How AI shields us from solar 🌞storm havoc ⋆ πŸ€– Step closer to AI uprising

Thing 1 - How AI shields us from solar storm havoc

There's so much talk about large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, and text-to-image AI like Midjourney and stable diffusion, that you can forget there are other ones.

Today we change that.

This is how DALL-E imagines this

Solar storms are explosions of energized particles from the Sun that can disrupt power grids, satellite communications, and radio signals, and even cause fires.

And these are just some examples from last month 😳

According to NASA and NOAA, we are currently in Solar Cycle 25, which began in December 2019 and is expected to peak in July 2025. So what we've seen so far isn't even its final form.

NASA to the rescue!


DAGGER (Deep Learning Geomagnetic Perturbation) is a deep learning model that uses a neural network to identify patterns and relationships between solar wind measurements and geomagnetic perturbations. Err, ok...

It gives us 30 min heads-up before it hits the fan.

It's not a lot and there's not much you can do to avoid it but here are some things:

  • have an alternative energy source (the power grid could go out)
  • unplug and turn off electronics (they could get fried)
  • get paper maps (GPS could fail)
  • have an emergency kit, food, medicine...
  • keep cash handy (ATMs and credit cards could stop working)


Thing 2 - A step closer to the uprising

I'm not ignoring GPT tho.

It's getting closer to what our elders have been warning us about.

Of course, someone

  • took the most powerful AI we have
  • hooked it up to the Internet
  • gave it long-term memory and file storage capability
  • enabled reasoning and planning
  • let it run without human supervision

How do you feel about it?

And how do you feel about it when I tell you you can use it too?

Of course, it exploded in popularity...

It requires GPT-4 API access for full power, and that's tough to come by. (I'm still waiting for my invite).
But there's a GPT-3.5 switch if you're feeling adventurous.

What do you want to tell it to do?

Thing 3 - Think you need outside approval? Think again.

If you are ever tempted to look for outside approval, realize that you have compromised your integrity. If you need a witness, be your own.

- Epictetus

Note to self:

Whose life are you living? Which game are you playing? Who designed the winning conditions?

If you're looking for external approval, you already know the answer and it's not the one you'd like.

Cravin' validation, it's a complication,
But check your integrity, find your foundation,
Be your witness, own it, no hesitation,
Stand strong, be real, no compromise, salvation.

Guess who wrote that? Additional credit: Rap God - Slim Shady

Cheers, Zvonimir